Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12/15/2015 Daddy's Christmas Present

Just to give you some background on this story, we do not have a dog, nor have ever had a dog, nor do we intend to get one in the near future.

We are driving down the road to meet Daddy at Target. Avery had been worried about buying Mommy a Christmas gift and we had not had time, so we were on our way to do that.

Avery: I want to get daddy a present too.

Mommy: You already got Daddy a present. You got him fire, remember. (fire: another long story)

Avery: I want to get Daddy two presents.

Mommy: Ok, what do you want to get him?

Avery: *Pause* (with hand strategically placed on his chin)

THEN (Avery looks up like he just had a brilliant light-bulb moment)


Mommy: Why do you want to get Daddy a gate?

Avery: I want to get a gate to keep our dog in.

Mommy: We don't have a dog.

Avery: Our dog died but we can get another dog.

Mommy: Are you making up stories again?

Avery: *giggle* I make up stories all the time

Mommy: Apparently. :-)

Another day in our household.

Monday, August 31, 2015


Regarding Driving

So we are driving down the road and A informs me that ...

"We (the drivers) don't like green (a green light) so we go and we like red (a red light) so we stop."

Then he goes on to tell me that when he drives someday...

"I like green so I am going to stop and I don't like red so I am going to go."

Well good luck with that son, I hope you don't get to many tickets. :-) :-) :-)

Regarding Talking

So tonight, A was talking about Goliath and random stuff... over and over and over... and finally I stopped him and said, "A" do you just like talking? Do you talk to talk?

So he replies...

"Mommy, help me. I can't stop. Words keep coming out of my mouth and I can't stop them. Stop these words. I can' t stop them"

hahahahahahahahahahahaha - He totally gets it from his daddy. :-)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

"That Moment" - 8-1-15

You know THAT MOMENT when you wake up and check on your child to find that he is not in his bed. So you check the bathrooms and still no, you check your bed, (since he likes to sneak in) and still no. You wake your husband and start panicking. You calm yourself and look in every room. You are on the verge of calling 9-1-1 when your husband calls out that he has found him.

He was sleeping under his sister's crib. I guess he decided to have a little camp-out/hide-out. Thanks for telling mom about it. I didn't know whether to yell at him or hug him. HAHAHAHA. I'm just glad that, that was all it was. 

He never had a clue...just kept on sleeping. Next time check under all the beds. :-) 

There goes 10 years off my life.


You know THAT MOMENT when you are going over letters and numbers and your child holds up the letter "T" and he says "Jesus died on the cross." 

He doesn't understand all that, that means, but what a precious thing that he is already picking this up. Praising our Savior for HOPE!


You know THAT MOMENT when your child who is only 3 memorizes John 3:16 

...and when he swims across the pool to the ledge 

....and when He wraps his little arms around you and apologizes for something he did or wrong 

...or just to tell you that he loves you. 

There are so many moments in our crazy busy life but it's the little ones that make the biggest impact.