Monday, July 28, 2014

July 24, 2014 - Hide and Se-Scary Mommy

This story is actually about my husband, though "A" had a huge part to play in it. :-) Jer loves to play Hide and Seek with "A". He will yell "A's" name and then go hide. Well, I had heard him calling "A's" name but didn't think much about it. I went into my room and saw that I had not put my shirt away. So I picked it up, walked over to the closet to hang it up and opened the door. There in my closet was my husband crouching down ready to surprise my son. 

My first thought was, "There is a man in my closet." My second thought was "THERE IS A MAN IN MY CLOSET. My heart dropped like a sink hole. Thus, I had a late reaction scream. AHHHHHHHH! When I realized it was husband a few seconds after my first thought, I started beating him with my shirt. :-)

He just laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you, honey." Well you did! Looking back, it was pretty funny, but don't tell him I said that :-) Those boys are going to give me a heart attack. :-)

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